Thursday, March 12, 2009

Holy No Petrol Country

You can come at the Petrol villages from several angles - all points of the compass actually. You can come from the sea the way the original settlers did, via shipwreck, though there is a sometimes safe harbor via Altermensch Cove. Once landed you can work your way upstream through No Bottom Creek. I went this way, having hooked up with my soster old boyfriend, Conrad Lee. In his incredible little power boat we can chug our way three miles or so upstream until we dock under the fall where a rope staircase will take us up to the first plateua where another two miles of walking will get you to the first of the Petrol buildings - a cluster of bathhouses.orchards and gardens.
The trip up river is worthy of the original Conrad, the great grandfather of his namesake conrad Lee. It is the habitat of the still undiscovered native American marvel founded 154 years ago of shipwricked New England and European religious fanatics and desparate remnants of the local massacred Indian culture who had crawled in from the west and tried to pull their ientrance in with them.
Conrad was a well known visitor. He often did errands for the No Bottom Valley dwellers and as we passed people came out of houses set back from the banks


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