Massacre of Little Point
"So how is our Serial Murderer's memoir selling," Mac Moon asked. He was in the best positon to know that since it was his thriving little vanity press which had broken with tradition and actually paid for the Memoir getting printed. MacMoon as usual had no interest in the money but was after the reputation of the Bunyan family. None of the hisotircal reminscences he printed had anything much good to say about the Bunyans. Some were nothing but extended attacks. Barbara Beecher's Mt. Salvage Regional History was a first class piece of revisionist history - out to prove that Bunyans were a disaster for the region from day one. Mowry Moore's novel Days of Crime and Poses had actually been compared to All the Kings Men. Huey Long in this case was the fourth Paul Bunyan who was a prominent Republican conservative - during the Reagan Era reaching a respectable level of power and recognition, a major broker whose influence was felt everywhere and whose personal trqagedy was an iability to get an elected office, except - three times - by appointment. And not elected in the aftermath of these appointments twice. The third time it was obvious even to himself that it was hopeless. Bunyan IV was able at one time to control directly 4 out of 5 supervisors, the DA, the Sheriff, everyCounty court room. THe Judges in fact were perhaps the most lopyal under the thrall of Bunyan's money and the thrill of Bunyan IV endless parties.
Bunyan V made sure that his partying was a seamless web with his father's - except that power, influence and profit were not the object any longer. Before Gdub in fact there was Bunyan V. He was something big in the the Bush One White House, serial Ambassador to a number of unfortunate L:atin American countries during which resources were rapidly extracted, particularly favoreed - Forests.
"Serial Ambassador," I responded defensivly. The "serail killer" charge rose from a line that went "Serial killers and seducers have a knack in common for sensing women in troublr." Not that this Bunyan in any way admirable. Preying on women was a way of life for him, as his Memoirs attested.
MacMoon's family and associated clans had been at war with the Bunyans since the day after the first Paul cast his shadown over the allied watersheds. It was never "Bunyan country" for them. He and his progeny were Barbarian invaders - killing an enslaving the native population and oppresssing the new settlers.This of course was perfectly rendered in the Little Point Massacre, in which most the local Indians and soon after most of the local settlers, were murdered by a semi-proffessional military troop led by Major Paul Bunyan. (Bunyan claimed the rank from service in the Mexican War).
Whitehead was immersed in this subject - not as a book for his associate Mac Moon (Unlicensed, Whitehead prqcised his privat detecting under the Court authority of lawyer MacMoon). MacMoon already published a book on the Massacre - and attendant atrocities - although the book was available only in photocopy thanks to convoluted court cases (from which some claimed MacMoon as lawyer profited immensely.) MacMoon employed Whitehead purely as an investigator into the genocide's perpetrtors. These implicated many prominent local Bunyanphobe as well as Bunyanite families. Complex narratives competed here. Did Bunyan instigate the deaths of the settlers who murdered the Indians. Or was Bunyan irrelevant to these deaths, which resulted in several interlocking feuds which hatched out of the Vigilante attitude that all shared.
The local blogs were currently flaming over the naming of criminal ancestors not Bunyans. MacMoon's clan had more enemies than the Bunyans, linked to the massacres. Take for instance the Miller family. The Killer Millers who actually did more business in slaves than corpses, getting their business affairs capitalized with slavery. They were a Southern family claiming aristocratic connections. The founding Patriarch was Madison Miller, alluding to a connection with James but not Dolly who was sterile. It has been inferred that the connecting link was a quadroon slave of a myriad horde all named Madison. This one in particular married a tenant farmer Miller who was headed for West Texas and thence to Coho Coumty.
Some say that this Miller actually took part as a private in the Mexican War - under the command of Major Bunyan himself! and that this was were the hatred began.
That strain of conflict culminated in the marriage of Bunyan V with Elsa Miller, a Mantague-Capulet resolution that did not end in Romantic deaths for the pair. Rather it became a Spy versus Spy comedy of errors with each attempting murder on the other on numerous occasions. It was a kind of spiderworld courtship, claimed MacMoon who himself was almost certainly an adulturous lover of Elsa Miller. Always adulterous because Bunyan and Miller never attempted legal dissolution.
"Bunyan relied on his married status as an immunization from further legal liasons," Whitehead concluded. "He despised his father for his seven wives which drained the family coffers."
In fact, it increased the family wealth over-all since a number of half-brothers and half-sisters parlayed their inheritances via mother's alimony into independent fortunes. Bunyan Trucking for instance grew out of shipping success and now had a continent wide range under its name Success Baggage Express - which became Suxpress, made famous by its titillating Suxpress ads.
All this history was punctuated by the appearance in Whitehead's office of Elsa Bubyan nee Miller.
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